DNA Blogs, Books, and Social Media

Every year, since 2003, National DNA Day is officially celebrated on April 25th.  According to the National Human Genome Research Institute states, “National DNA Day commemorates the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the discovery of DNA’s double helix by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.”

The FSGS has put together this helpful guide of genetic genealogy blogs and websites to help you find the tips and tricks you need to succeed.

Is your favorite blog or book missing? Email us!

DNA Blogs & Resources

Website Title Author Website
International Society of Genetic Genealogy ISOGG https://isogg.org
DNA Central Education Series http://www.dna-central.com
Adoption and DNA CeCeMoore http://adopteddna.com/
AK’s Genealogy Research Annette Kapple http://annettekapple.blogspot.com/
All My Foreparents Israel Pickholz http://allmyforeparents.blogspot.com/
Ancestor Central Jennifer Zinck http://www.ancestorcentral.com/blog
Autosomal adventures Barbara Bauer http://www.autosomaladventures.blogspot.com/
Barton Lewis’s Genealogy Pages Barton Lewis http://www.bartonlewisfamily.com/
Bohemian Genetic Genealogy Kuba Krchak http://bgengen.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/we-begin.html
Cork Genealogist Margaret Jordan https://mjordan.wordpress.com/
Counting Chromosomes Edison Williams https://casestone.com/threlkeld/blog
Cruwys News Debbie Kennett http://cruwys.blogspot.co.uk/
Data Mining DNA Margaret O’Brien http://dataminingdna.com/
Deb’s Delvings in Genealogy Debbie Parker Wayne http://debsdelvings.blogspot.com
Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog Dienekes Pontikos http://dienekes.blogspot.com
DNA and Family Tree Research Maurice Gleeson http://dnaandfamilytreeresearch.blogspot.co.uk/
DNA Explained Roberta Estes http://dna-explained.com/
DNA Genealogical Experiences and Tutorials Steve Handy http://dnamatches.blogspot.co.uk/
DNA Genealogy Jason Lee http://dnagenealogy.tumblr.com/
DNA Sleuth Ann Raymont https://dnasleuth.wordpress.com/
DNA Testing Advisor Richard Hill https://www.dna-testing-adviser.com/dna-testing-blog.html
Dr D Digs Up His Ancestors Dave Dowell http://blog.ddowell.com
gcbias: The Coop Lab UC Davis https://gcbias.org/category/genetic-genealogy/
Genealem’s Genetic Genealogy blog Emily Aulicino https://genealem-geneticgenealogy.blogspot.com
Genealogy Junkie Sue Griffiths http://www.genealogyjunkie.net
Genetic Future Daniel MacArthur https://www.wired.com/category/geneticfuture/
Genetic Genealogy Michael Cooley http://blog.ancestraldata.com
Genie1 Louise Coakley https://genie1.com.au
Genomes Unzipped http://genomesunzipped.org
Haplogroup Rebekah Canada https://haplogroup.org
Hartley DNA & Genealogy Joel Hartley http://www.jmhartley.com/HBlog/
Hawaiian DNA Kalani Mondoy https://hawaiiandna.wordpress.com
HUGO Matters Human Genome Organisation http://www.hugo-international.org/
Kitty Cooper’s Blog Kitty Cooper http://blog.kittycooper.com
Lara’s jewnealogy Lara Diamond https://larasgenealogy.blogspot.com
Modern Genealogy Made Easy Amy Johnson Crow http://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/
My Genes and Me Ana Gerschenfeld http://mygenesandme.blogspot.com
On Genetics Steve Mount http://ongenetics.blogspot.com
On-line Journal of Genetics and Genealogy Steven Perkins http://jgg-online.blogspot.co.uk/
Radiant Roots, Boricua Branches Teresa Vega http://radiantrootsboricuabranches.com/
Roots and Recombinant DNA T L Dixon http://www.rootsandrecombinantdna.com/
Segment-ology Jim Bartlett http://segmentology.org/
The age of personalized medicine Personalized Medicine Coalition http://ageofpersonalizedmedicine.wordpress.com/
The DNA Geek Leah Larkin http://thednageek.com/
The Enthusiastic Genealogist Dana Leeds http://theenthusiasticgenealogist.blogspot.com
The Genetic Genealogist Blaine Bettinger https://thegeneticgenealogist.com
The Legal Genealogist Judy Russell https://www.legalgenealogist.com/blog/
The Ultimate Family Historians Linda Jonas http://ultimatefamilyhistorians.blogspot.com/
Through the Trees Shannon Christmas http://throughthetreesblog.tumblr.com/
Tracing African Roots Felipe Fonte https://tracingafricanroots.wordpress.com
Watershed DNA Brianne Kirkpatrick https://www.watersheddna.com
Your Genetic Genealogist CeCe Moore http://www.yourgeneticgenealogist.com/


DNA Facebook Groups

Kathrine Willson of Social Media Genealogy provides a great 380-page PDF file of genealogy related Facebook groups and pages. Within that list are genetic genealogy groups as well. Open the PDF and simply search for “DNA” or “genetic” to find groups you may be interested in. “Genealogy on Facebook” List

DNA Books

Year Title Author
2020 The Genealogist’s Guide to Y-DNA Testing for Genetic Genealogy David Vance
2020 The Lost Family: How DNA Testing Is Upending Who We Are Libby Copeland
2020 Your DNA Guide – The Book Diahan Southard
2019 Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies Debbie Parker Wayne
2019 DNA and Genealogy Research: Simplified Stephen Szabados
2019 The DNA Guide for Adoptees Brianne Kirkpatrick & Shannon Combs-Bennett
2019 The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy Blaine Bettinger
2019 The Journey, 2019: Genetic Genealogy Handbook & Membership Guide Stacy R. Webb
2019 Tracing Your Ancestors Using DNA – A Guide for Family Historians Graham S Holton
2018 DNA for Genealogists Kerry Farmer
2018 DNA Q and A: Real Questions from Real People about Genetic Genealogy Andrew Lee and Devon Noel Lee
2018 Genetics 101: From Chromosomes and the Double Helix to Cloning and DNA Tests, Everything You Need to Know about Genes (Adams 101) Beth Skwarecki
2018 The Adoptee’s Guide to DNA Testing: How to Use Genetic Genealogy to Discover Your Long-Lost Family Tamar Weinberg
2018 Trace Your Roots with DNA : Using Genetic Tests to Explore Your Family Tree Megan Smolenyak, Ann Turner
2017 Finding Family: My Search for Roots and the Secrets in My DNA Richard Hill
2016 Genetic Genealogy in Practice Blaine T. Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne
2016 The Foundling Paul Joseph Fronczak
2014 Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond Emily D. Aulicino
2014 Guide to DNA Testing: How to Identify Ancestors, Confirm Relationships, and Measure Ethnic Ancestry through DNA Testing Richard Hill
2014 NextGen Genealogy: The DNA Connection David R. Dowell
2013 Forensic Genealogy Colleen Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.
2011 DNA and Social Networking – A guide to Genealogy in the Twenty-First Century Debbie Kennett
2010 The Practical Guide to the Genetic Family History, Second Edition Robin L. Bennett
2005 DNA & Genealogy Colleen Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. and Andrew Yeiser
2004 DNA and Tradition: The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews Yaakov Kleiman
2004 Genetic Genealogy DNA Testing Dictionary Charles Kerchner, Jr.
2004 Unlocking Your Genetic History : A Step-by-Step Guide to Discovering Your Family’s Medical and Genetic Heritage Thomas H. Shawker
1995 The Great Human Diasporas: The History of Diversity and Evolutions Luigi Lucca Cavalli-Sforza

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