Contact Us

General Inquiry

(386) 222-2942

General Inquiry: [email protected]

We are an all volunteer organization. Please be patient with responses.

Board of Directors

President: Marlis Humphrey
Vice President: John Laurent
Treasurer:  Tonya Gordon
Secretary: Deborah Baker
Director-at-Large: Ashley Gonzalez
Director-at-Large: Vacant
Director-at-Large: Vacant

Committee Chairs

Awards & Scholarships: Vacant
Conference Chair: Vacant
Editor - Florida Genealogist: Annette Burke Lyttle
Editor - Fresh from Florida: Ashley Gonzalez
Legislation Chair: Vacant
Membership Chair
Pioneer Chair: Patricia Rand
Public Relations Chair: Vacant
Publications: Vacant
Records Preservation & Access: John Laurent
Technology Committee Chair: Vacant
Webmaster: Ashley Gonzalez