Case Studies in Gray: Identifying Shared Ancestries Through DNA and Genealogy

You’ve identified a group of shared DNA matches, but you’re stumped on how you’re all related. Learn how to let DNA take the lead in determining who and where to search to uncover the group’s most recent common ancestor.
Organizational Strategies for DNA Analysis

Organizational Strategies for DNA Analysis

16 Sept 2021 Webinar

DNA test results are constantly changing and can therefore be overwhelming to analyze. Organizing DNA test results is akin to aiming for a moving target. Join us in this webinar as we explore ways of designing organizational systems that help to answer genealogical questions and achieve genealogical objectives. Learn to organize, filter, cluster, isolate and analyze the most pertinent genetic cousins for any given research question and gain the confidence to begin making genealogical discoveries of your own utilizing DNA evidence.

A Five Company Comparison of Ethnicity Results

A Five Company Comparison of Ethnicity Results

Have questions about your ethnic origins? Want to know what the maps and percentages mean? We will cover the major testing companies and Ancestry DNA Genetic communities.

Frustrated with your genealogy research? Diahan is the teacher you need. Her 18 years of experience in genetic genealogy shows as after just one class you will find yourself believing that you can understand this science, and likely will even be excited to go home and try it out. Diahan lectures internationally, owns Your DNA Guide, and writes for Family Tree Magazine and Your Genealogy Today. She has a passion for this work, a love for people, and the best husband ever.

Organizing Your GENETIC Genealogy

Organizing Your GENETIC Genealogy

Most individuals have hundreds of genetic cousins. Come learn a few methods you can start using today to help you organize your genetic genealogy research.

A microbiology graduate, Diahan Southard has spent 16 years in the genetic genealogy industry. In her current position as Your DNA Guide, she provides personalized, interactive experiences to assist individuals and families in interpreting their genetic results in the context of their genealogical information.

Genetic Genealogy: Advanced

Genetic Genealogy: Advanced

Have you mastered the basics of autosomal DNA testing? There are several advanced tools that can help you glean more information from your DNA test.

A microbiology graduate, Diahan Southard has spent 16 years in the genetic genealogy industry. In her current position as Your DNA Guide, she provides personalized, interactive experiences to assist individuals and families in interpreting their genetic results in the context of their genealogical information.

A Day Out With Your DNA

A Day Out With Your DNA

While DNA testing for genealogy is no longer a new idea, many companies are offering a new way to look at your DNA. In this lecture we will cover the biggest and brightest options, and help you decide where you should take your DNA, and how to make the most of it.

After getting bitten by the DNA bug as a high school student, Diahan went on to study at Brigham Young University where she earned a bachelors degree in microbiology. She worked before and after graduation for the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, one of the first efforts to create a correlated genetic and genealogical database.

Using Free Third-Party Tools to Analyze Your Autosomal DNA

Using Free Third-Party Tools to Analyze Your Autosomal DNA

Although DNA testing companies provide their own analysis of test results, there are free third-party tools that allow test-takers to learn even more about their genomic heritage, including admixture calculators and the identification of genetic cousins. Together we’ll explore some of these tools and learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Blaine Bettinger, Ph.D., J.D., is an intellectual property attorney by day and a genetic genealogist by night. In 2007 he started The Genetic Genealogist (, one of the earliest blogs on the topic. Dr. Bettinger has been interviewed and quoted on personal genomics topics in Newsweek, New Scientist, Wired, and others.