FSGS has archived webinars on DNA for members only. To view these webinars and more, click here to log in to the FSGS website and then view FSGS Archived Webinars under the Members Log In menu.
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Coming Soon! September 2021
Organizational Strategies for DNA Analysis
Paul Woodbury
DNA test results are constantly changing and can therefore be overwhelming to analyze. Organizing DNA test results is akin to aiming for a moving target. Join us in this webinar as we explore ways of designing organizational systems that help to answer genealogical questions and achieve genealogical objectives. Learn to organize, filter, cluster, isolate and analyze the most pertinent genetic cousins for any given research question and gain the confidence to begin making genealogical discoveries of your own utilizing DNA evidence.
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Using DNA To Explore Our Origins, Part 1
Diahan Southard
The use of Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA in genealogy is a technology that has helped many better understand their origins. There are specific deep ancestral groups that can identify a person as a member of a specific genetic and genealogical community. Because DNA is an immutable record, it can provide links where paper records cannot. We will cover the basic language used in DNA testing, we will cover its limitations and applications, specifically for those who are not of Northern European origin. Your DNA has much to share with you, to help you determine your origins, as well as help you connect with others on a similar path.
Using DNA To Explore Our Origins, Part 2
Diahan Southard
Autosomal DNA testing can be used in genealogy to help you understand information about your heritage on both your maternal and paternal side. What has attracted many genealogists and non-genealogists alike is a feature of the test that allows you to see what your ancestral origins are. In general, these percentages that describe your origins are called Admixture results. These are the results that report that you are 52% British and Irish, and 31% French and German. These results can be both exciting and confusing. Come learn more about how this kind of ethnicity testing is completed, about its accuracy and how it can impact your genealogy.
Genetic Genealogy: Advanced
Diahan Southard
Have you mastered the basics of autosomal DNA testing? There are several advanced tools that can help you glean more information from your DNA test.
A Five Company Comparison of Ethnicity Results
Diahan Southard
Have questions about your ethnic origins? Want to know what the maps and percentages mean? We will cover the major testing companies and Ancestry DNA Genetic communities.
Organizing Your GENETIC Genealogy
Diahan Southard
Most individuals have hundreds of genetic cousins. Come learn a few methods you can start using today to help you organize your genetic genealogy research.
A Day Out With Your DNA
Diahan Southard
While DNA testing for genealogy is no longer a new idea, many companies are offering a new way to look at your DNA. In this lecture we will cover the biggest and brightest options, and help you decide where you should take your DNA, and how to make the most of it.
Using Free Third-Party Tools to Analyze Your Autosomal DNA
Blaine T. Bettinger, PhD, JD
Although DNA testing companies provide their own analysis of test results, there are free third-party tools that allow test-takers to learn even more about their genomic heritage, including admixture calculators and the identification of genetic cousins. Together we’ll explore some of these tools and learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff.