Webinar Abstract: AI tools can be used to quickly extract and organize information from single or multiple land records, including metes and bounds, public land descriptions, geographic features, and neighbors. This introductory lecture will start with an overview of land records followed by an introduction to Artificial Intelligence tools, with examples of how they can be used in genealogical research. AI use cases will follow including deed analysis, platting metes and bounds, and identifying neighbors. The final section will discuss using AI to read handwriting, and using websites that make use of AI to index handwritten documents and maps in their collections.
Presenter: David McCorkle is President and founder of NC Historical Records Online, a 501(c)(3) which provides free online access to images of original records useful to researching NC history and genealogy. He created the free website http: //nclandgrants.com which contains 1.2 million images of original NC land grant documents. He is President of the North Carolina Genealogical Society, and on the board of several other genealogy/history organizations. He has given lectures and webinars to national, state, and local audiences on a wide variety of topics including land records, land platting, court records, digitization, mapping tools, Artificial Intelligence, and DNA. David is an NC native with NC ancestors dating back to the 1700s. He is co-owner of GenWebinars, http: //genwebinars.com, which offers webinars on all aspects of genealogical research.
Website: http://davidmccorkle.com
Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IbZiW66MRbKdP3v0EzsUWw
Handouts are available to FSGS members only and are generally available a few days before the webinar. Videos are accessible to members within 3 days following the webinar. Members must log in to access the handout and video.