Poolside Chats

Combining DNA and Traditional Research – In-Depth Case Studies

Webinar Abstract: DNA testing has exploded onto the genealogy scene in recent years and is now one of the most important tools available to advance family history research. In order to successfully use DNA testing for genealogy, however, it is essential to combine it……
Poolside Chats

Research Stalled? Leads Might be Lurking in Land Records

Webinar Abstract: Take a tour through various kinds of land records (not just deeds!) and see the genealogical evidence they have to offer. The talk highlights records you’ll see in different jurisdictions; county-level records; proprietors’ records; bounty land records, and……
Poolside Chats

Connecting with Cousins: Using Tools & Technology for Genealogical Collaboration

Webinar Abstract: For genealogists building family trees or seeking information about DNA matches, a plethora of resources are available online. During this session, we will delve into the unique challenges of working with living people and learn practical tips for……
Poolside Chats

Finding the Original Record When the Index is Unclear

Sometimes to find the original record based on a reference or an index will require a concentrated effort and logical thinking skills to find that record. A well‐prepared index can greatly enhance the usefulness of a resource to researchers, but it is important that we understand how this tool was created. Come along as we try to find several important records and discover what is really there – using a step-by-step process.

Researching in Federal Land Records

Over the history of the United States, almost 2 billion acres of land have been in Federal ownership at one time or another. Federal public land came into private ownership in a variety of ways, from cash sales to preemption to homesteading. Federal land was also granted to railroads and states, who then sold it to private individuals. We will look at how our ancestors acquired federal land and how to find the records of these transfers.