Poolside Chats

Murder in the Mountains: Grandpa’s Birth Father in Court Records: DNA Case – September 18, 2025

Webinar Abstract:  Murder in the Mountains: Solving a Paternity Case With DNA and Court Records
Explore an old tangled web of family secrets with this intriguing DNA case study set against the backdrop of a 1928 murder in the mountains of Kentucky. Delve into the courtroom drama surrounding a disputed paternity, and discover how modern DNA resources and methodologies can shed light on ancestral mysteries. We’ll explore traditional genealogical resources, alternative approaches to the Leeds Method for use in endogamous communities, and effective search strategies.

Presenter: Kate Penney Howard is a genetic genealogist, specializing in brick wall work, HighRoH, and endogamy. During a bout with cancer, she discovered that she loves sharing her knowledge with other genealogists. She is intentional about addressing injustice and myths in her presentations. Kate has presented at Rootstech, East Coast Genetic Genealogy Conference, the International Congress on Medieval Studies, NAAP/RTK’s Untangling Our Roots, and the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 2025 speaking engagements include Rootstech, Ohio Genealogical Society 2025, Ontario Ancestors Webinar Series, and local library and genealogical society gatherings. Kate studied vocal music and earned a Master of Divinity from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis in 2011, and has been pastor of North Christian Church since her ordination in 2012.  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rev.kate.penney

Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k57hGgtoSIC3szLCyYo9PA

Handouts are available to FSGS members only and are generally available a few days before the webinar. Videos are accessible to members within 3 days following the webinar. Members must log in to access the handout and video.