Poolside Chats

Did My Family Get Skipped? Mining Census Records for Missing Ancestors – December 18, 2025

Webinar Abstract: Did your family get skipped in a census? Learn how timelines, city directories, and creative searches can help you find those “lost” ancestors.

Presenter: Nicole Gilkison LaRue, CG®, AG®, is a full-time professional genealogist for the federal government. She has been certified since 2016 and holds the Accredited Genealogist credential in the Great Lakes Region. Special interests include paleography, researching women, and other “brick-wall” obstacles. She has a degree in history with an emphasis on archives and museums. Her published articles appear in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, NGS Magazine, and OnBoard. She has taught at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and lectured at National Genealogical Society conferences. Volunteer positions include serving on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists from 2017-2020, serving as the ProGen waiting list coordinator since 2011, and serving as mentor for two ProGen study groups.

Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-5ek9mOSQhmNx1r1s_AwAA

Handouts are available to FSGS members only and are generally available a few days before the webinar. Videos are accessible to members within 3 days following the webinar. Members must log in to access the handout and video.