Migration Patterns of Germans within America

Migration Patterns of Germans within America

21 Oct 2021 Webinar

We’ll explore how historical events channeled Germans into certain areas and how chain migration drew allied families together. Many migrated from NY/MD/PA down the Shenandoah Valley into VA, NC and SC. Accessible rivers and railroads led to the establishment of the German Triangle between Cincinnati, Milwaukee and St. Louis. The National Road and German-language advertisements channeled them to Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin and points west. The 1848 Revolution led them to the Texas German Belt. Knowing where your ancestors settled in the mid-1800s can often lead you backwards by considering the migration routes of other Germans, particularly allied families.

Desperation, Displacement, Determination and Deuteronomy: Colonial Germans and what we can learn about them

Desperation, Displacement, Determination and Deuteronomy: Colonial Germans and what we can learn about them

Our early Germanic ancestors’ desperation led them to board ships for a three-month journey into the unknown. What factors drove them from Europe? How did walled towns, guilds, and social status determine who emigrated? Once here, how did their religion determine what records may exist for them and those to whom they might be related? We’ll explore these topics and discuss existing records and where they are located.

Sharon Cook MacInnes, Ph.D., is a professional genealogist, author, educator, and CEO of Ancestor Tracks. She started researching in 1976, long before the internet revolution.