Poolside Chats

Poolside Chats: A Genealogy Webinar Series

The “Poolside Chats: A Genealogy Webinar Series” is organized by the Technology-Outreach Committee and presented to the FSGS membership and the public on a monthly basis. We have had webinars on topics such as DNA in genealogy, cloud-based technology, Florida territorial records and everything in between – and we are just getting started.

Genealogy education today can be accomplished in a number of mediums, webinars being one of them. This educational opportunity can provide you with information about resources, new technology and its relationship with genealogy, methodology, new websites and new databases coming online, and much more.

The "Poolside Chats: A Genealogy Webinar Series" is organized by the Technology-Outreach Committee and presented to the FSGS membership and the public on a monthly basis. We have had webinars on topics such as DNA in genealogy, cloud-based technology, Florida territorial records, and everything in between - and we are just getting started.

Genealogy education today can be accomplished in a number of mediums, webinars being one of them. This educational opportunity can provide you with information about resources, new technology and its relationship with genealogy, methodology, new websites and new databases coming online, and much more.

All you need to participate is a computer with speakers and a connection to the internet. So, we invite you to sit back and enjoy the presentations being brought to you by knowledgeable presenters and made possible through your membership dues.

All webinars start at 8 PM ET unless otherwise noted.

Upcoming Webinars

Past Webinars

Her Name was Not Unknown: Finding Female Ancestors

By Gena Philibert-Ortega | May 18, 2023
“What’s her maiden name?” “What happened to her after her husband died?” “How do I start researching my great-grandmother?” We’ve all felt the disappointment of seeing the word “unknown” to describe a female ancestor’s name. How do we go from “unknown” to finding a name? This presentation will explain techniques, methodology, and resources vital to family history research. Enhance your research skills using a 5-step approach to researching (and finding) female ancestors.

Land, Licenses, Love Gone Wrong – Assorted Courthouse Records

By C. Ann Staley | April 20, 2023
Webinar Abstract: Courthouses are an underutilized resource and they are not as hard to maneuver as most people think. Under their roof you will find fabulous records! This presentation will concentrate on the County level courthouses, the fabulous records contained……
Analyze This! Scrutinizing Evidence for Problem Solving

Deeper Analysis: Techniques for Successful Problem Solving

By Elissa Scalise Powell | March 16, 2023
Webinar Abstract: The Genealogical Proof Standard states that analysis and correlation of data are necessary before we can say something is proven, but what techniques are best? Many people collect information but don’t know how to manipulate it for evidence analysis. Spreadsheets, timelines, maps, charts and tables are a few of the techniques that will be discussed to pull out evidence needed to answer research questions.

Unique African American Records

By Ari Wilkins | February 16, 2023
Webinar Abstract: Learn about some of the most unusual and underutilized African American records and where to find them.

Finding Uncle John by Talking to the Neighbors

By J. Mark Lowe | January 15, 2023
Webinar Abstract: Using available records, manuscripts, and land records, learn details about your ancestor’s neighborhood and the people with whom they worked, prayed, fought and married. Remember, the neighbors know more than you think.

Surviving the Digital Dark Ages-Backups and Archiving

By Mark Stephen Middleton | December 15, 2022
Webinar Abstract: Are you overwhelmed with stacks of paper? Learn how to backup and archive your family research for future generations to enjoy.

Location, Location, Location: Putting Your Ancestors in Their Place

By Diana Elder | November 17, 2022
Webinar Abstract: Locality research is key to making progress in genealogy research. An understanding of the history, geography, records, and repositories for the research locality is the foundation for building a solid research plan and finding additional information about your ancestor.

Google Translate and Genealogy: What You Should Be Using Instead

By Katherine Schober | October 20, 2022
Webinar Abstract: Google Translate is not always the most reliable tool to translate your genealogy documents. Discover the other options available and how to use them.

From Deeds to Dirt: Analyzing Research with Maps

By Cari Taplin | September 15, 2022
Webinar Abstract: Our ancestors existed in a time and a place. Maps are one way to give the names and dates in our genealogical research more life, context, and excitement. Where did they live? What would they have seen? How did they get around? Cari Taplin will examine various ways researchers can use maps to trace their ancestors and their research.