Submitted by Descendant: Anisca “Nickey” Bronson NEEL
Eliza Lanier was born 30 March 1859 in Polk County, the daughter of John Lanier and Margaret Hogan, who were both pioneers of Florida. Eliza married John James Bronson on 24 December 1874 in Orange, now Osceola County. To this union were born five children, William Isaac “Ike”, Edward Richard, John, James Robert, and Emma Bronson.
John James died 22 June 1882 and Eliza then married Columbus Stephen “Steve” Acree on 3 January 1887 in Osceola County. Steve was elected Representative to the State Legislature for several years. Their children were Dora Frances, Ruby Estelle, Albert Stephen, Martha, Ruth, Zell, and Louise.
Eliza Lanier and Steve Acree donated the land for the Pleasant Hill Cemetery located south of Kissimmee. John, James, Eliza, and Steve are all buried at that location.
Eliza Lanier was first established as a Florida Pioneer in 2002